Dear clients and partners, EXNESS has resumed trading currency pairs with the Swiss franc and the Russian ruble. However, the following margin requirements apply to newly opened and already existing positions in these instruments: for currency pairs with CHF, the margin will correspond to leverage of 1:40 or 2.5% of the transaction volume; for currency pairs with RUB, the margin will correspond to leverage of 1:20 or 5% of the transaction volume. Please note: Margin requirements in transactions involving these instruments are fixed and will not depend on the leverage size selected for the trading account. 大体意思:亲爱的客户和合作伙伴, exness已经恢复与瑞士法郎,俄罗斯卢布的交易货币对。 然而,下面的保证金要求,适用于新建和现有的位置在这些工具:与CHF的货币对,保证金将对应于1:40或2.5%的交易量的杠杆;用擦的货币对,保证金将对应的1:20或5%的交易量的杠杆。 请注意:要求的保证金交易涉及这些仪器是固定的,不依赖于选定的交易帐户的杠杆大小。