
Dear Trader,
Please be informed that on Sunday the 6th of November, 2016 IC Markets Metatrader 4 server time will move backwards by one hour from GMT +3 to GMT +2. This change is to reflect the US Eastern Standard Time change taking place on the 6th of November, 2016
请注意,2016年11月6日起IC Markets MT4服务器时间将从GMT+3时区切换至GMT+2时区。这个改变是因为美国东部标准时间将在11月6日当天由夏令时调整为冬令时。
IC Markets Metatrader 4 server time is based on “5 pm New York”. As the time in the US will move back by one hour IC Markets server time will also move backwards to reflect the change.
因为IC Markets MT4的服务器时间以纽约收盘价(纽约东部时间5点)为基础,所以美国时间推迟1小时,IC服务器时间也会相应推迟1小时来适应该时间的调整。
How does this change affect you?
The time in the market watch window will now be set at GMT +2, depending on your time zone you may also notice the market open one hour later on Monday. The charts will still show an opening time of 00:00 platform time. Some EA’s using a GMT offset may also be affected by this change, you should make the necessary adjustments to the GMT offset in your EA settings prior to the 6th of November.
市场报价窗口时间将会设置成GMT+2,根据您的时区不同,您可能会注意到周一市场开盘时间会推迟1小时。图表开盘时间仍然为平台时间零点。某些使用GMT标准时间差的EA或许会受到影响,您应该在11月6日前,对您EA 的GMT 标准时间差设置作出必要调整。
The GMT offset explained
GMT 标准时间差解释
The market will close on Friday the 4th of November at 20:57 GMT, 23:57 platform time. New trading hours will start from November 6th 2016, these are listed below.
Market Open
Forex Trading Open: 17:01 EST / 22:01 GMT / 00:01 Platform time (6th Nov)
Metals Trading Open: 18:00 EST / 23:00 GMT / 01:00 Platform time (6th Nov)
贵金属开盘时间:平台时间01:00 (11月6日)
CFDs Normal Open times
Market Close
Forex Trading Close: 16:59 EST / 21:59 GMT / 23:59 Platform time (6th Nov)
Metals Trading Close: 16:59 EST / 21:59 GMT / 23:59 Platform time (6th Nov)
CFDs Normal Close times
If you have any questions or require any assistance, please contact one of our support team members via Live Chat, email: support@icmarkets.com, or phone +61 (0)2 8014 4280.
Kind regards,
IC Markets |