
Dear Trader,
The second round of the French presidential election will take place over the weekend, on Sunday 7th of May. As this is seen as a significant event, it will provide traders with increased opportunities, but also increased risk due to the event taking place over the weekend. There is high potential for extreme market volatility, particularly for currency pairs based in EUR.
In order to protect clients from adverse effects, IC Markets will be making temporary changes to the maximum leverage available on our instruments.
为保护客户免受不利影响,IC Markets将会暂时调整产品最大可用杠杆。
New margin and leverage requirements on our instruments are as follows:
所有指数CFD产品 所有欧元货币对 其他产品
最大杠杆 50:1 100:1 200:1
These changes will be applied to all positions on Friday 5th May 00:00 server time (GMT + 3). They will remain in effect until Monday 8th 00:00 server time (GMT + 3).
Please consider whether this impending change will have any effect on your trading account. The additional margin (due to lower leverage) may require you to add funds to your account, or to reduce your positions. Please also consider the potential trading conditions below in the lead up to the event:
Extreme market movement and volatility on EUR based currency pairs and European indices.
During elevated market volatility and during high risk events, market spreads in general may widen significantly.
Ensure you have adequate funds in your account leading up to and during the election. This includes all "hedged" positions as if spreads widen, there is high possibility that will stop out positions.
We will carefully monitor market volatility and should there be any further changes, we will contact you via email, MT4, or by changes on our website.
If you have any questions or require any assistance, please contact one of our support team members via Live Chat, email: support@icmarkets.com, or phone +61 (0)2 8014 4280.
1. IC Markets强制平仓比例为50%,但如果由于您持仓比例过高,且遇到跳空行情,平仓比例可能低于50%,甚至给您造成负净值。如果您的账户产生负值,我们将要求您补充资金,情节严重者我们会请律师追讨,敬请知悉并理解。切勿持仓比例过高。
2. 锁仓在点差扩大时,由于净值的降低会导致预付款比例降低,因此也可能爆仓。 所以请锁仓的客户注意,及时补充保证金,以保证合适的预付款比例。尤其是持有黄金的锁单客户,由于黄金即便锁单也占用保证金,因此如果没有充足的保证金,一旦点差扩大,导致净值降低,从而引起保证金比例低于爆仓线,您的所有仓位将会被强制执行。 |